With a week of delay here I am to give you news about the Naked Wines Tasting Tour: WOW! Better than the best expectation. A big success of public - I imagine I gave the Negreiros to be tasted for nothing less than 500 people - 500 potencial costumers, 500 potencial beloved people (didn´t you know that the producers love them costumers?). And I heard such beautifull words about Negreiros... I don´t know if it´s something about the british consumers or about Naked clients, but I felt they are very genuine on them assessments, they don´t try to repeat those old and so well known words that the experts use on them reviews, and they - the Naked costumers - use them own expressions.
Nice with the costumers, nice with the Naked staf and with the other winemakers. No stress, no tension, no conflicts. Everybody friendly, and with a great humor - big laughts each 15 minutes, the bigest part of them completly misterious for me because my english is worst than I thought and, even when I found a cause to the laughts I never was sure that it was the same of the other people.
Good times passed with good people around something that is much more than a drink, but the more powerfull cultural instrument to live together.